
Ronelle Park Rolls Royce R10
Registration Number: RJJR10
Date of Birth: October 2, 2020
Semen: Available in USA and Canada - $100/straw
- Reserve champion and top price Shorthorn bull at the National Show & Sale in Dubbo 2022 to Malton Shorthorns
- 71 lb birthweight
- 842 lb weaning weight
- 7.1% IMF on at 13 months on grass, highest marbling scan of his peer group
- Homozygous polled and defect free
The deep red Rolls Royce bull is a curve bender with a 71 lb birthweight followed by an adjusted WW of 842 and outstanding scan results – all on grass! He ranks in the top 1% of the breed for marbling EPD and top 25% for WW and YW. He is an extremely long bull with a proud and confident stance. His first calves hit the ground in 2023 in Australia with great reports! When we were searching for a solid red, high quality Shorthorn bull in Australia to use in a genetic exchange program we wanted a bull that excelled in performance, phenotype, and maternal characteristics. Rolls Royce checked all the boxes. He will produce highly maternal daughters, high performing bulls, and solid steers with heavy, high-quality carcasses.

Ronelle Park Slurpie S29
Registration Number: RJJS29
Date of Birth: August 23, 2021
Semen: A limited amount of semen will be available at auction in USA and Canada
Owned with: Jungels Shorthorn Farm, Deerhorn Farm, Malton Shorthorns
- $106,000 Australian record high selling bull at the National Show & Sale in Dubbo 2023 to Malton Shorthorns
- Exceptional performance – scanned 7.8% IMF and 21’ ribeye
- Flawless in his phenotype
- Hails from the most famous cow family in Australia
- Extremely gentle disposition
- Complete outcross to US and Canadian shorthorn genetics
- 84lb birthweight
- Homozygous polled and defect free
The strawberry roan bull with the funny name has taken the world by storm! Slurpie has the perfect combination of performance, phenotype, and strong maternal foundation. He’s effortless in his movement, absolutely sound on his feet and legs, and has a soft, loose hide. Slurpie is built to work in the challenging semi-arid Australian climate and will excel in the US and Canada.